Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Son of Saul

Movie: Son of Saul
When: 5:30pm on March 3
Who With: JL
Movie Count: 17
Snacks: Who remembers? Popcorn and Cold Smoke is my guess.

Reaction: Intense. I had never considered the operation of gas chambers during the Holocaust beyond knowing the concept and knowing it is horrible. Son of Saul follows Saul through his duties of rushing people through undressing and into "showers," and the clean up of clothes, blood, and bodies afterward. It is not an easy movie, heightened by the visual focus on Saul with everything beyond him blurry.

If you have the chance, see it. But make plans to hang out with a baby or puppies afterwards. It will help.

Recommendation: Let’s Go
(! the exclamation point seems gauche here) | Let it come to you  | Let it pass
Next Up: Where to Invade Next - Michael Moore's latest

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