Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Where to Invade Next and Repo Man

Movie: Where to Invade Next/Repo Man
When: 5PM/9 PM, Saturday, March 5th
Who With: JL
Movie Count: 18/19
Snacks: The Bridge in between movies, delicious red lentil dal!

Reaction: I'm sure there is an obvious theme brilliantly tying these movies together that I'm missing but I haven't thought about them at the same time until I sat down to write this. I almost forgot we saw them in the same night.

Where to Invade Next is wonderfully frustrating. Fellow Michigander Michael Moore, sporting a camo Tigers cap, goes to war exporting foreign ideas that put humans and society as a whole first. Ideas like sufficient vacation time (including two extra weeks for a honeymoon, thanks Italy!), offering school lunch as a class on nutrition and manners (h/t France!), prisons that treat people the way any human person should be treated (shout out to Norway!). These ideas work so well to create a society that functions statistically better for the individual and the whole. People are taken care of by these ideas, rather than worked to the bone, increasing debts, and struggling more than we should have to. That was my big take away. We struggle too much.

I am a very fortunate person, grew up in Detroit suburbs with middle-class parents and white/hetero privilege. I have been able to avoid student debt, love the best person, and have a great community to call home. Whether it's luck, privilege, work or some blend of it all, "success" for the most part, comes down to working full time. Even when life runs smoothly, it all feels just a bit harder than it should. And this is from someone who's got the guilt (thanks Catholicism!) knowing it would be so much tougher if any one of those factors weren't there. Moore's movie shows us it doesn't have to be this tough; we don't have to be this tough. Jon Schwartz offers a nice write up on this and the WTF interview is good too. See it; you'll be all fired up afterwards.

Repo Man is a strange, funny movie and, surprisingly, the first we've seen from the Roxy's Movie Cult series. I've never seen the slightest touch of science fiction that we have in Repo Man in any other movie. Well, except for those Felicity time travel episodes. Also this post requires a nap disclosure, I may only think the sci-fi was light if it all happened during a brief nap toward the end; apologies if that's the case. Anyway, we ride-along with Emilio Estevez as he learns the ropes of the repo bizz, bonds with his co-workers, and then a car chase or something else climactic happened. Glad I saw it.

Recommendation: Let’s Go! | Let it come to you  | Let it pass
Next Up: Hail, Caesar!

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